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Apr. 4/17.  Penetang Book Club, Hosted by Sharon Darby

May 17/17. Guelph Partners in Crime Panel, Guelph Main Library

Bony Blithe Winners' Panel at Hamilton Library: Cheryl Freedman (Moderator), Cathy Spencer (2014), Elizabeth Duncan (2013), & me (2012).

Gloria at Guelph 2016 Book Bash

Author's Copies of Corpse Flower Arrive 

Meet Ed, Gloria's Kitchen Mascot

Meet Ed, Gloria's Kitchen Mascot

Gloria reading at Chapter's Indigo Toronto in 2012

Author Gloria Ferris

Gloria Ferris Book Lovers Gala

                 Gloria with young fan




November 23, 2011 (Shoreline Beacon)
Coverage by the Shoreline Beacon of  book signing at "Books and Things" store in Port Elgin where Gloria Ferris sold and signed copies of, "Cheat the Hangman."
October 28, 2011 (The KW Record)


October 20, 2011 (Guelph Tribune)
The Guelph Tribune featured Gloria Ferris' first novel, Cheat the Hangman and announced the November 5 book launch at Woolwich Arrow pub in Guelph from 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.
October 15, 2011 (The Record / Guelph Mercury)
The K-W Record and Guelph Mercury published Gloria’s short review of John Moss's Reluctant Dead in their newspapers and online.

© 2015 by Gloria Ferris

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