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I began my writing career as a procedure writer at a nuclear power plant, an exciting job to be sure, but it afforded little opportunity for plot and character development. There's just so much you can do with prompts like, "Do NOT Press PB47." OR "ACTIVATE the Evacuation Alarm and RUN!"
So, I turned to fiction writing and am now the award-winning author of the humorous Cornwall & Redfern mysteries; a co-written suspense series; and a YA urban fantasy series. Every so often, I'll write a short story just for the heck of it.
I have fully embraced my dark side but have a hard time taking it too seriously. I love abandoned cemeteries, and all things “skull”, managing to work one or both of these elements into my books. I made an honest attempt to write a serious book once, but that didn’t go well, so mostly I let my snarky and occasionally- inappropriate humour prevail. I live in southwestern Ontario and am a proud member of the International Alliance of Independent Authors.
What do I do when not writing? Well, I might work on character profiles, research plotlines, or read mystery and fantasy. All too often, you may hear me mutter, “I wish I’d written that!"
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